Paddington Terrace

Paddington Terrace

Project Overview:

The Paddington Terrace townhouse development project aims to create a vibrant and contemporary living space that seamlessly blends functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability. Located in Glen Innes the project comprises six townhouses, each designed to meet the diverse needs of today’s urban dwellers.


The project is located in Glen Innes high density zone.

Design Concept

The architectural design emphasizes clean lines, large windows, and open spaces to create a modern and inviting atmosphere.
Exterior facades will feature a harmonious blend of materials used in this project providing a visually appealing and durable structure.
Each townhouse includes strategically placed storage, flexible living areas, and modern amenities to enhance the overall quality of life for residents.
The Paddington Terrace townhouse development seeks to redefine urban living by combining modern design, sustainability, and community-oriented spaces. With a focus on enhancing the overall quality of life for residents.


 Incorporation of eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient systems to minimize the project’s environmental impact.

Phases and Timeline

The project is currently in the planning stage